
happy new year

justin scawful • 1 jan 2022

i hadn't really gotten around to writing much during the holiday season. i spent the holidays with my girlfriends family obviously, but also nicole and i went out to atlantic city and out socializing a bit the week of christmas and then the monday after the christmas weekend i woke up feeling like crap. so the last week i've been sick, though i'm starting to get over it now. not sure if it was a sinus infection or the flu or covid or what. it probably wasn't covid, but we are having like record case numbers right now with the omicron variant. it's actually pretty surreal just how out of control it is. they closed my school for the first two weeks, so it's back to remote online classes. i would not even be surprised if the whole semester went online. the only way it wouldn't is if by some miracle omicron really is so much less deadly and peaks really fast that we get over it and it was just like a last surge of the major covid pandemic. delta took awhile but it did slow down after awhile. i've got no idea really. but yeah. happy new year! lol.

i've got a lot of things that are going to change in 2022. i'll have my internship this summer in chicago with cme group that i'm very excited about. i've technically still got google left to hear back from but i figured i would accept the cme group offer for now and if google comes back around with an offer i'll deal with it then. i'll be using java at cme so i recently took the time to learn it by starting a new personal project. that was another big thing i was spending my time on that prevented me from writing a blog post. it's another stock trading client like premia but with an emphasis on machine learning to make algorithmic trades. i used javafx with a scene builder to make the gui and maven to build the whole project. in just a couple weeks it's actually a lot more capable than premia in some respects. i caught in with java pretty quick and now i'm just fleshing out my ideas with the tools i have and learning more as i go. i've also got a class next semester that'll be java centric and have assignments pertaining to javafx so this is good preparation for that as well as my internship.